The Dayanut Kollel at the Steinsaltz Yeshiva was established with the belief that the legacy of Rabbi Steinsaltz can provide a fresh perspective for the Rabbinical system in Israel, as it grapples with the complex issues the Jewish nation is currently facing, such as conversions, marriages, and agunot.
For many years, Rabbi Steinsaltz and fellow Yeshiva rabbis had engaged in diverse halakhic activities pertaining to public issues. Building on their past and present experience, our Fellows are instructed on how to draft responses to real cases in rabbinic courts, combining classical Talmud study with
practical discussions on authentic court cases and contemporary dilemmas.
The Kollel Fellows are all talented and extremely knowledgeable young scholars, many of them having already passed the rabbinical ordination tests (semicha). Thus, the Kollel Fellows expect to take upon themselves leadership and educational roles in the future. With this in mind, we train our alumni to put into practice the lessons Rabbi Steinsaltz ingrained in his students – a deep respect for every Jew, regardless of their background, a commitment to the future of the Jewish people and a relentless search for G-d's word as it manifests today.