As Rabbi Steinsaltz said:
“We do not know if all of our graduates will become leaders, as this depends on their own talents and the help of Heaven. However, we want them, at the very least, to be lights that will shine, and sparks that kindle a flame. Wherever they go they should help others follow and choose a good and worthy path.
“These then are the aims of the yeshiva. At the same time, my personal wish is that the yeshiva, through its students and graduates, will form the beginning of a movement. This movement will look beyond its members and will provide direction to all Israel. In my vision, this movement will lead to a renaissance of spirituality and leadership for the Jewish people everywhere. We must dedicate years of our lives to achieving these goals. We must be prepared for enormous spiritual and material sacrifices together with great effort, so that these ambitions will be realized in this world, in our days.”
Financial Needs
The cost of educating students at the Steinsaltz Yeshiva is modest (certainly by American standards) and currently runs around $12,500 per student per year. Government subsidies defray only 25% of the annual costs, with 35% at most covered by tuition (with many students eligible for reduced rates).
Thus, $5000 per student per year – 40% of total costs – must be financed by supporters in Israel and America.
Rabbi Steinsaltz’s vision is to start a new movement leading to a renaissance of spirituality and leadership for the Jewish people everywhere.

Rabbi Steinsaltz’s vision to create a new type of yeshiva in Israel, with the ambitious goal of "a renaissance of spirituality and leadership for the Jewish people everywhere,” is now our legacy.
Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Michel Falk tells us:
“After our dear Rabbi’s passing, it is completely up to us – the students, the faculty, and the Jewish community at large – to assume responsibility for continuing Rabbi Steinsaltz’s mission. It is the Rabbi’s desire for his students – and for us – to “continue to make the mission better and bigger than ever.”
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